Let's End Your Life Here (3)

"No! No! No!" Amanda shrieked as she watched in horror her statue was burning slowly in my hand.

As soon as the fire licked the wooden statue, she screamed in agony.

I would blow the fire, put it off for a while before I would set it on fire again and again.

Seeing and listening to their sister in law screaming in pain and talking nonsense made Senior Rizal's brothers almost lost their mind. They must have thought that their dead brother was the one who tortured Amanda, so they went and knelt beside the bed and facing Senior Rizal's body.

After all, a vengeful ghost was something everyone needed to be wary of and the most difficult to get rid off.

"Brother, please, let us go. We promise we will take care of your body well. Please, forgive us and let us go." The second brother begged.

"Rizal, you're always so magnanimous. Please, let us go." The eldest pleaded.