Shut Up!

(Tom's PoV)

After reluctantly leaving my girlfriend, Jane, to go to where my body was staying, I was pulled by unknown force and suddenly I was surrounded by darkness.

I couldn't see anything other than feeling the strong force pulling me. The idea of losing my ability to see made me panic for a second, but then I saw a ray of light was coming closer and closer to me.

No, it was me getting closer to the ray of light.

As the light was getting bigger and bigger, in the end I was swallowed by the blinding light, causing me to close my eyes to avoid being hurt by it.

All of my senses felt dull. I couldn't hear, see, smell, speak or even feel anything. It was as if I was thrown into a bright white room without gravity, leaving me floating around with no place to go.

Was I being sent to the right place?