Lisa; Sooner or Later I Will Find The Truth (2)

(Jane's PoV)

I had waited for the elder to utter some words of recognition for Siji, but the elder didn't say anything, much to my disappointment. After staring at Siji for a while, the elder didn't look at him anymore and returned to his usual aloof stance. He didn't look at me or Siji anymore, but somehow I knew this elderly was not an easy one. He acted as if he didn't know about Siji but I knew he did.

Anyway, I wouldn't scare this young woman by saying that there was an elder behind her and some other powerful astral beings.

Ignoring the others and focusing on building a good relationship with this young woman named Lisa, I finally had something to busy my days.

Of course, this happened before Sanji came. By the time Sanji finished his work and came to find me, Lisa had gone to her new work place.

After my first meeting with Lisa, I went back home only after I managed to make an appointment with her to meet on the next day. I was totally curious about her.