The Lava Chain (1)

(Tom's PoV)

It's hot!

It's hot!

It's hot!

My eyes flew opened in shock as I gasped for breath. Sweat was covering my body, drenching my clothes and my bed. Instinctively, I held out my hand and tried to find any sign of burn there.

But, no, my skin was perfectly fine. There was no sign of any burns. As my skin was pale, it only looked flush.

Just after I finally got rid of the knives being thrown at me, I had to face this fire that appeared out of nowhere. Shouldn't the test be over by now? Why would I dream of being burned alive then?

Yes, I had figured out that the whole painful and scary dream of me being stabbed by knives was a test; Soul Endurance test, to be exact. I mean, which soul would not be shaken after experiencing that kind of dream every time?