I Miss You

(Jane's PoV)

How many months have passed since the last time I saw him?

Did he really return to his body safely?

Why didn't he call me if he had awaken?

The last time Uncle Ben called me, he said that Tom called him and he was on his way to see his nephew. After that call, Uncle Ben had not called me again and it had been some times after that.

What had happened?

Wait, is it possible that he got amnesia soon after he woke up? It could be! Uncle Ben must be feeling complicated that he couldn't call me to tell me the news.

I was stunned with that thought. Just like in those cheap soap operas in TV, when someone woke up from comma, that person would forget everything about his/her past life.

Was it true?

Then, would I be waiting in vain?

"What are you thinking?" Siji's voice startled me, successfully brought me back to my senses.