Side Story: The Seventh Adviser (2)

Danan was about to ask how she knew him, but before he could open his mouth, several men ran up to them in a hurry.

"Chief, we were looking for you!" The man in the front looked flustered as he approached them.

The woman, Dewi Sasmaya, waited until the men got closer before she asked them unhurriedly. "What happened?"

"There's a problem in the west wing. Sir Guntur is going berserk again!" The man said hastily in a panic.

A frown appeared on the Chief's face. "Let's go. Explain to me about the situation on our way there." She said as she started walking. But, she had just taken three steps when she stopped and looked at Danan's direction. "Why aren't you moving?"

Danan blinked his eyes, but again, he didn't say anything and moved to follow their steps. He observed the behavior of the men in front of him. They didn't ask her who he was, and let him follow them. It could only mean one thing.