Side Story: The Seventh Adviser (4)

Danan was made to study hard by Sir Guntur after their talk that day. He followed the regular classes and private classes by Sir Guntur. He even didn't have time to visit Chief Dewi Sasmaya as he used all of his time to study and study more. Fortunately for him, he loved reading and studying, which helped him a lot with the process where others would find agonizing. He was a fast learner and his progress made Sir Guntur proud.

By the time the selection started, Danan joined it and maybe by the will of Universe, he passed the test and joined the Class of Adviser as the seventh student.

Therefore, his name, Number Seven, was known as he was the Seventh Adviser admitted into the class.

To his surprise, there were only the ten of them. Before he was admitted into the class, he thought there would be around twenty to thirty of them in the class. Who knew that there would only be the ten of them?