Are You Going To Cook?

(Tom's PoV)

As far as I could see, I could only see trees, bushes, and mosses. The smell of damps woods and mosses mixed with the fresh air. My lungs ordered my nose to suck on the air as much as possible, filling them with the fresh air to the brim before they exhaled it and repeated the process for around three to four times more.

This was awesome! My body felt invigorated and I thought I could walk for hours without feeling tired.

Of course, that's only in mind since another important question popped in my mind.

Where am I? If I'm not mistaken, they asked me to stabilize the situation. But, what situation do I need to stabilize in a jungle?

That place was not even a forest, but really a jungle. I wouldn't be surprised if a lion popped out of nowhere. Probably an elephant, too, or a big snake capable of swallowing human.