Run to Your Arms

(Jane's PoV)

My training with Siji went well. It was still exhausting, but somehow after I pushed myself past my limit, I found myself feeling a lot stronger and firmer than before. I gained so much from his training. I could see more than ghosts. Siji said that it had been my talent, which made me different from those who could see and interact with ghost, even with those who had sixth sense, who could predict future.

My talent was entirely different but at the same time had the similarity with them. The similarity was we could see ghosts and communicate with them. But the difference was my scope was a lot wider than them. Not to mention I had my own personal house in their dimension so yeah, it was a lot different between us. Ever since I could see them, my whole world suddenly became so full with them, but luckily I had Siji who taught me how to surpress my ability so that I could see humans more than them.