Visiting Old Friend

(Tom's PoV)

Knock, knock.

I opened my eyes instantly as soon as I heard the door was knocked from outside.

"Tom? Are you awake?" It was my mother's voice. My eyes drifted to the clock and saw it was nine in the morning.

Ah, my mother must have let me sleep more because I remembered I returned around four or five in the morning. I usually woke up at six or seven and I was worried my mother would come into my room if I didn't wake up at the same time, but I guessed I worried for nothing.

My mother only knocked at my door when it was nine because at that time all food had been served on the table. She didn't want me to eat cold food in the morning, that's why she didn't wake me up before it was all served.

"Yes." I replied, my voice was a bit hoarse and I thought I might catch a cold.