I'll Give It To You

(Tom's PoV)

Standing in front of me was someone I had been wishing I could meet soon. Her bright eyes were a bit watery, staring at me pitifully, creating an image of a weak and fragile woman. Her dark brown hair was tied up in a pony tail, swayed with the wind. She was still as beautiful as I remembered her to be.

Ah, not right. How could Jane be here? How dare this thing used her appearance to seduce me!

I seethed in rage. This resemblance really caught me off guard. Even though I had a strong mind after being forged in the first trial and after all I had been through, I was still swayed by this familiar presence. If it were any ordinary person standing here, that person might have succumbed to the seduction.

Too bad it provoked the wrong person. Even if you took after her appearance, there was no way you could act like her to fool me. "You're a thousand years too early to copy her." I gritted my teeth as I frowned in anger.