The Tears of A Mother (2)

(Tom's PoV)

I was still watching her, ignoring the couple who was still hugging each other the bed nearby, when she turned her head towards me sharply. Her red eyes bulged out as she glared at me. Her face was still wet from her tears, but it only made her appearance even more ghastly. Her lips stiffened and growl was heard from her throat. The dark mist around her thickened, creating an even more eerie atmosphere.

There was no doubt the two nearby were affected, especially Nita who was obviously not in a good condition. Her mental was still shaky, a perfect condition for a human to get possessed. But no, she was not possessed entirely since she became linked to the ghost because of the dark mist.

I was startled seeing the ghost was standing upright with her chin up as she looked down on me. The same happened to Nita who got out from Rama's embrace and stood on the bed. She got the same posture as the ghost as she glared at her husband.