Too Deep To Come Out

(Tom's PoV)

I took a deep breath to calm my pounding heart beat. The ghost in front of me was still struggling to be let out of my chain, but tears was still streaming down her face. I retracted my hand as for the first time I could feel her anger, hatred, sorrow, and desperation. I was a man but my heart felt so full of pain. Even as a man, I didn't think I could keep that much of feeling inside.

What about this woman? She sacrificed her own life to avenge her son. Did she succeed? What's the relationship between that immoral man with Nita? Was she one of his offsprings? Since the woman cursed his whole family not to have someone to continue their line of family, I doubt that Nita still had the same family name as that man.

If I didn't remember wrongly, Nita was the only child at home. She said she had a younger brother but he died a week after he was born. After that, her mother was always sick. I wonder if it related in any way to this ghost in front of me.