Side Story: She Is His Fiancee, But She Has A Boyfriend (1)

His name was Sanjaya Adiguna, a young man who was capable of exorcism as well as seducing women. He was around 15 years old when he experienced his first love. Unfortunately, the one he loved was a four year-old girl. The lonely boy who had no friends because people would say that he was crazy fell in love with the warm and cheerful smile of four year old Jane. His father and Jane's father were friends and they had a chance to visit Jane's family at that time for a week. And he fell in love just on the very first day he stepped in the house.

During their visit, Sanji, that's what some people called him, got close to the little girl and amazingly, the girl got attached to him. Every morning for the next six days, that little girl would cheerfully wake him up at 5.30 and urge him to get up and drank milk with her. No matter how sleepy he was, he would always wake up at the sound of her cheerful voice calling his name.