Messenger From The South Sea

(Jane's PoV)

I thought that I would have some days off without thinking about the army and all of my problems. I even had planned to do casual things with Tom and Sanji and I wasn't talking about sex, you know. As much as the sex felt good, I couldn't indulge myself in it too much. I was still young and I should have spent my days outside instead of rolling in the sheet with two hot men. I even had planned a horror tour for the three of us.

However, things didn't always go the way we wanted it.

It was lunch time, and we were having lunch together in the dining room when Siji came out of nowhere. His expression was solemn as he bowed his head a bit to me.

"What is it?" I asked him. Anything that could make his expression solemn must be really important.

"Milady, we have news from South Sea."

My body stiffened when I heard South Sea was mentioned. It must be news about my father, right?