Increasing Combat Power

(Jane's PoV)

It let out a voice resembled to a growl, but somehow sounded like it was saying something. I sratched my head with my finger with my eyebrows arched in annoyance.

It wanted to test my patience?

"Speak properly." I slapped his back hard. "It's clear you can speak since you said that you were hungry and we were delicious. I've said before, don't pretend that you can't talk." I stared at it, colder as the sentences went on.

The chain around its body lit up in a fiery red lines. My eyes fixed on it and found out the unusual pattern on it. Other mystic weapons or tools would have ancient letters on it, but this one didn't have one. The glaring red lines on it instead formed similar to the cracks in the volcanoes, and the source of power inside of it was surprisingly more similar to the molten hot lava.

It was so interesting that I nearly forgot I was interrogating a shadow.