Don't You Think It's Strange?

(Tom's PoV)

"Is she exhausted after using her power like that?" I asked Siji who had just finished examining Jane.

Siji frowned and shook his head. "I don't think so. Her flow of energy and spiritual power are still fine. That much of energy and spiritual power are nothing for her."

"Then, why?" Sanji asked.

"I don't know. It's like she has just experienced something that shook her psychologically." Siji answered. "What happened there?" He looked at me.

Shaking her psychologically? I squinted my eyes as I tried to remember what could be the trigger.

Was it that time? When she peered into the old man's mind? What did she see, actually?

"Actually, I don't really know, but there was one time where she peeked into the man's mind to see why the old man said that her father was cruel. But, after that she was fine so I thought it was nothing. But, seeing her now, I start to doubt it. What happened actually?"