Blood to Verify Herself

(Jane's PoV)

"Please, excuse our rudeness in interrupting your sleep. We just wish to visit a place inside." I said to it politely.

After I said so, the air shifted again but this time the pressure had lessened by a lot. It was a sign for us that we could continue our travel.

"Thank you, Elder." I bowed down a bit before I gestured for the two men to get going.

"Bless you, lad." I heard a heavy voice in the forest, but I couldn't see the form. Even so, it didn't bother me.

I smiled, but didn't say anything. Our travel went strangely smooth, nothing disturbed our way. Probably it was because of the Elder that we met before. The men from the army had been dismissed before we started walking, so there was no way it was because of us. I also had reminded the two hot-blooded men to control their power in case they attracted any unwanted disturbance.

We might not face any disturbance on our way, but it didn't mean we saw nothing.