Too Dangerous For Now

(Jane's PoV)

I floated closer to the silver light as my eyes inspected my surrounding. This was Sanji's consciousness, which meant I was supposed to be able to see his form of power. But, instead of seeing it, why did I feel like I was being watched from the dark?

My senses sharpened as this strange feeling disturbed me. As I was getting closer to the only source of light in the dark room, I was tackled to the ground hard!

"Ugh…" I grunted from the impact, but something cushioned my fall. It seemed to be a solid hard body with a familiar yet unfamiliar aura.

My eyes shot opened as I inspected the person who would be so brave to attack me. I found it hard to believe that somebody would want to attack me in Sanji's consciousness; therefore I wasn't a bit worried about it. However, being tackled like this, even though it wasn't hurt, wasn't feeling right.