Get Up and Follow Me

(Tom's PoV)

"Tom…" Her soft whisper tugged at my heartstring, brought a feathery sensation on my nerves. My heart palpitated as I felt my eyes grew hazy. I could feel something stirred inside, heated up my body and threatened to burst into fireworks.

The heat pooled in my lower abdomen, and the little brother residing there had started to react strongly. Forget about how she had started to grind on me, her mere scent could instantly drive me crazy.

She moved her body wantonly, her head tilted backwards as moans leaked from her sweet mouth. Every time she called my name, I felt like I wanted to ravish her.

However, patient is virtue. I repeated that in my head.

As soon as I saw her pouting at me while whispering 'please' in a frustrated tone, I knew that my patience bore a sweet fruit. Without waiting for her to plead for the second time, I switched our place until I held her under my body, trapped between my body and the couch.