Side Story: Low Level Curse

The plans were meticulously thought. List of training set had formed in his head. Nataya rose from his seat and opened the portal to visit human's world. He wanted to see what the girl was doing until she let out that much of power. Since the meeting was going on, was it possible that she was bullied?

With that thought in mind, Nataya hastened his pace and hurriedly went through the portal. What greeted him was enough to make him smile.

Of course. Why should he worry about her? Even without unleashing her full potential, she could easily suppress those arrogant masters. He watched as she walked away, leaving such heavy pressure towards those men.

Her power had increased again, he thought.

He stood there with his wings flapped softly, looking down upon those human and their pathetic looking in the aftermath. Look at their whining faces as they realized the casualty she caused after she left!