The Lonely Devil (4)

(Jane's PoV)

The wind rumbled as my punch met the wood hard skin of the red creature. The shock of the punch even spread to the surrounding vicinity and the shadows were exterminated in a flash as the ghosts fled for themselves. The creature let out a deafening howl as it was forced to get into the portal again.

My punch might hurt it. From the way it reacted, it must be furious of me. Its eyes glared at me with a shock and madness reflected in them. With a loud roar, it forced its way out again.

My eyes squinted. Still didn't want to give up, huh? Fine.

My feet didn't land on the ground for too long as I leaped again and covered my hands in blue flame. I didn't miss the fear and shock in its eyes as soon as it saw the flame in my hands.

I smirked. So, you're afraid of this flame, right? How about a taste of it, then?