Close That Portal! Now!

(Jane's PoV)

I didn't mean to peek, I swear! I didn't mean to see! No, I didn't want to SEE anything! But, why would my head turn to see the source of that damn voice?!

Remembering it now... my whole body will automatically flush red in embarrassment and my body starts tingling.

Damn it!

Maybe the place I was standing at was the only spot where people could see them clearly, or maybe the both of them was just too bold to do it in a public place, but my eyes clearly saw two naked men being close to each other. They were so close that it looked intimate in my eyes. When a small ripple formed from their small movement and another breathy sigh escaped from one of them, it really left no choice for me other than thinking 'creatively'. Their joined hips moved lazily under the water and I was standing there, rooted to my place with my eyes watching their slow movement.