Lazy But Deadly

(Jane's PoV)

Amidst my frantic mind, I willed myself to stand on my ground and focused. Siji's training surely came in handy at this particular time. The thick aura of laziness and lust rolled around my barrier slowly. It couldn't touch me, but there was something inside me that yearned to touch the flirty aura. I could block the aura, but not the lustful groans and moans around me. Something inside me wanted to respond the aura and drowned myself.

It was not a good sign, I knew. I shouldn't succumb to the instinct, but it grew stronger until I almost mistook it as a need.

I took a deep breath and breathed softly. In this kind of situation, succumbing only meant death for me. Turning off my feelings and going numb were my only options, but not my favorite.

Blinking my eyes, I realized the next second that the urge had gone. The only thing inside my head was to quickly eradicate the negative aura in the air.