Perfection Needs Sacrifices (1)

(Tom's PoV)

I took a deep breath as I tried to stabilize my self. The whole process of cleansing my body and mind took a lot of time and effort, but it wasn't in vain. I questioned myself a lot and answered a lot of questions myself. It was a dialog with myself and the universe.

As soon as it had done, I could feel and sense everything in full clarity. My whole body and mind felt unbelievably light. Was it the peak of cultivation a human could achieve? I had no idea. I only knew that what I was feeling couldn't be felt by ordinary people.

I had just finished the last step of the meditation when my connection with Jane shook in urgency. The image of Jane collapsing filled my mind. My heart thumped loudly in my chest. It wasn't painful but it was uncomfortable. Something was telling me that something bad had happened to Jane, that I needed to be by her side as soon as possible.