Using A Hammer To Crack A Nut

(Jane's PoV)

The discussion was going smooth even though there were some matters need not to be discussed. As long as the three of us could get along, the talking between men should just stay between them. There was no need for me as a woman to interfere with whatever they decided about.

After the dealings with the South Sea and the broken portals had finally cleared up, we decided to return and devised a new plan for the Grand Meeting. We also broadened our knowledge about ghosts, shadows, devils, and all entities living in the different realms from us.

The amount of knowledge was overwhelming. The more we studied, the more we realized that we were just small creatures in this complex universe. The more we learned, the more we wanted to know. Siji had to drag us out of the house to make us stop reading the old scripts.

I looked up a little and shielded my eyes from the bright sun. It was still morning but the sun was shining so brightly it hurt my eyes.