Mysterious Force Behind The Shamans (3)

(Tom's PoV)

The fact that someone was possessing a spirit was a proof that whoever behind this action was not an ordinary person. He was even more capable than these shamans. The question was if this person really was more capable than these shamans, why would he pay them to haunt our house? Why would he do that? Did he have so much money and had nothing to do to the point he paid other people to prank on someone? Ah, he might be just another shaman being paid by the true mastermind. Judging from how he knew her, this person must be someone she knew.

"Who are you? Why did you send these shadows here?" I asked him or her, whoever this person was. It was hard to identify the gender since the voice changed from a man to a woman randomly.

"You don't need to know who I am-."

Cliché, I said inwardly, but didn't interrupt him.

"-Because you don't know who I am, as well. Hahaha."