Keep Our Hands To Ourselves

(Jane's PoV)

With an accusing glare, I looked at them. The awkward expression and the way they looked away and refused to meet my eyes were the obvious sign that what I said was right.

"Fine. I still can't get used to the feeling of not sleeping with you and having you within my reach." Tom was the first one to submit and confess. His face was flushed in embarrassment as he had to admit the deepest wish in his heart.

"Me too." Sanji added with a blushing face.

These two men were seriously cute but I couldn't let myself being swayed by them. Previously, any cute acts would lead to a foreplay and a long sex. But, ever since we promised to stop it and focused on improving ourselves, they had not touched me at all, except the light kisses on the forehead and cheeks and holding hands during movie or book time.