Legal Guardian

(Jane's PoV)

Turning my head to look at the source of the voice, I was startled as a body hit mine in a hug. Excited squeals pierced my eardrums as my body shook the way her body moved.

"It's really you! I'm so glad you came back! Where have you been? You've never contacted me after you took a leave. How dare you!"

"Mi-Mia, easy!" It wasn't easy to talk with her arms encircling my neck in a tight hug.

"Let me see you! You're getting taller! No wonder it didn't feel as comfy as it used to be." Mia pushed herself a length away and looked at me from top to bottom repeatedly. I could only laugh helplessly at her comment.

The shy and nice Mia turned so chatty in a year time, what did I miss?

"Welcome back, Jane. Mia has been missing you this whole time." Senior Dino, looking more mature than before, greeted me with a warm smile. He approached me calmly, unlike his old self who would jump on people casually.