I Didn't Summon You

(Jane's PoV)

The Devil brought me to a big house in human realm. Which part of the Earth was this? I had no idea. Stepping into this house reminded me of when I was in Senior Rizal's house. It reeked of blood and dark aura. It was full of negativity that I was wondering how could people live in this house without getting crazy?

This house was undeniable large, but it was so silent that I was almost sure no one lived in here. Instead of a commonly luxurious house, this place felt more like a castle than a house. But, whose house would have the similar sense as a castle? It wasn't my place to think about it but somehow I was curious.

The Devil stopped in front of a big black door by the end of the corridor and pushed it open. Why didn't he bring me straight into the room? Why did we have to walk through the corridor to get here? This Devil was really inconvenient.