Futile Attempt

(Jane's PoV)

That first 'attack' marked the start of the 'attacks' on us. The further we walked, the more we met them; the fake ones and the real ones. On the second attempt to scare us, Yuni and Daisy were a lot calmer. On the third attempt, they even went as far to scare the poor fake ghost first before the fake ghost could scare them. Instead of screaming out of fear, they were both laughing after successfully making the fake ghost jumped in fright.

Probably sensing that the both of them were playing and having fun, Alivia slowly lost her initial timid. She gradually overcame her fear but still, she stayed with me, watched them pranking the fake ghost.

As we approached the corner leading towards the mysterious building, I sensed something bad approaching us rapidly. The aura of negativity was thick. Daisy and Yuni must have sensed it, too. They retreated back to us with a frown.