An Embarassement

(Tom's PoV)

There in the seabed, I saw many kinds of black magic items lying quietly. The dark energy they emitted was pretty concentrated and it was brought by the waves to the land and spread towards the other parts of water area.

Going deeper ahead, the scene even astounded me. I saw body parts, bones, and dead bodies. It was like a mass grave of unidentified bodies. Whose bodies were these?

It was no wonder this water area smelled so bad.

"All praise to the Creator of the Universe, the Almighty God, the One who wills everything in this world. I beg You to permit me to bring all the concealed wickedness and evil to the light, to end the misery of those who fell upon the black magic, to give justice to those who need it, and to give peace to the family that were left behind. Only with Your permission that this wickedness will end. Please, grant me the power and permission. Please..."

I repeated the prayer solemnly.