
A week has passed and Lucifer has been training Zen and Aya together. He had already imparted a Cultivation art to Zen, he didn't give one to Aya as she doesn't have the loyalty Zen has for him yet but he does give her advice as they train.

The Cultivation art that Zen received is called [Formless Edge Technique] it focuses on speed, fluidity, and mystery. The moves indicated inside the art mostly consists of constant fluid motion that allows the practitioner effortlessly to dodge enemy attack and get under their defenses. It attacks pattern without weapons targeted the joints and vital organs if it's with a weapon every attack was akin to a hidden weapon attack.

The fluid motion followed by a well-controlled attack by a hidden knife.

Zen has started to practice the [Formless Edge technique] and has learned the basic moves inside of it but it's weapon attacks would have to wait till he reached the 4th stage.


Lucifer was seated on a tree branch watching two kids spar, a boy and a girl. Naturally, these two are Zen and Aya. Now, their moves were pretty much basic punches, kicks, parries, and dodges but it was the placement and timing of their attacks that was a level above their peers.

They have been sparring with Lucifer every day for a week and he has drilled the essence of where to attack and when. These two were still a bit slow to comprehend these lessons but they have started to understand their importance.

Zen has stepped on to the peak of the 2nd stage of the Body Tempering realm and will soon enter the 3rd stage. Aya, on the other hand, had just achieved the 1st stage.

After Lucifer came back last week, Zen quickly talked to his parents about Aya training under Lucifer. Ren had informed Sherry about Lucifer's mysterious background and at first, she was worried but after her husband reassured her that Lucifer didn't mean any harm and that this could be a major opportunity for their son, they started to support Zen training under Lucifer wholeheartedly.

Zen also talked about his desire to share the medicinal formula with Aya and to talk to her parents about her staying in their house as she trains. This naturally surprised them but Sherry quickly agreed with gleaming eyes as long as one wasn't stupid it was easy to guess what was going on through her head.

So later that night, Ren and Sherry waited for Aya's father to come and pick her up. They invited him inside and there they talked about the whole thing about the medicinal formula.

This obviously shocked him and he wanted to meet Lucifer to discern his nature, much like what Ren and Sherry did. The only difference was that he actually attacked with the full strength of an 8th stage of the Body Tempering realm.

Lucifer didn't take kindly to that so responded in kind, his full strength of the 4th Stage Body Tempering realm plus the natural strength of his Divine body made it easy for him to catch the fist of Aya's father and blow him away with one punch.

Shocked by Lucifer's strength, Aya's father was convinced and allowed his daughter to stay and train under him. Naturally, he didn't forget about the case of the medicinal formula and he quickly arranged for the herbs to be delivered in the succeeding days.

And that's where we are now.

Satisfied with Zen and Aya's progress, for now, he went back to talk to Sherry

"Aunt Sherry, I believe you manage a few shops that sell weapon and pills right?" Lucifer asked.

Sherry was just talking with Ren about some family business when Lucifer came in. They had long become accustomed to Lucifer's attitude despite the contrast with his childish appearance. She sipped her tea and replied.

"Yes, you want to buy some weapons or medicine?"

Lucifer sat down across her and gently smiled. "No, it's the other way around, I want to sell them."


Sherry was caught by surprised by what Lucifer said and nearly coughed out the tea in her mouth.

"You want to sell?" Sherry enunciated every word slowly.

By now, Lucifer has realized that when he wants something it'd be better to show than tell. So he stretched out his index fingers and two different flames appeared on both fingers. A Golden flame on the right and a white flame on the left.

Sherry's eyes went wide. "A low-rank Mortal Pill Fire and Weapon Flame!?"

Lucifer had been reading about the mortal world these past few days and has learned quite a lot. Medicinal Pills are made by Alchemists who uses their Pill Fire to refine the properties of herbs and mix them inside a Medicine Cauldron. He was a bit perplexed a first with the idea of someone making a living out of making medicine.

Back in the Heavenly realm, people rarely got sick or injured and even they did got severely injured there was a staple medicine called "Life water" which could heal major injuries. Sometimes Life Water wasn't even needed at all as fighters could've just burned their Life essence to heal themselves. After that, they would just have to spend years to recover.

Intrigued by the foreign profession, Lucifer asked Zen and Aya for information from their family about the two professions.

Information about Pill making was easy as Zen's mother, Sherry owns a medicine shop and she has three alchemists under her management with decent skills. So Lucifer visited her shops with Zen to ask these alchemists.

Not everyone could manifest a Pill fire that's why there only a few Alchemist around. The Pill fire that they use to refine pills is manifested using Spiritual energy to control the flame essence of the world around us. So the stronger your Spiritual Energy the stronger your Pill Fire is. Aya later came with information that Weapon Flames are similar as well but with a more ferocious nature than a Pill Fire.

Now, Lucifer knows about Spiritual Energy and how to control it but that was because he was born that way, but now that he was human he had to learn once more how to control his Spiritual Energy. It took him some days but with his natural gifts that was similar to a cheat at this point, it was just a matter of time before he achieved it.

His Pill Fire was the golden flame which looked valiant and tamed, unlike the white flame that looked proud and intense.

Sherry stared at these two flames and how a bit of a bad premonition so she asked.

"What do you intend to do?"

The Flames on Lucifer's fingers disappeared and he took a sip of the tea as well before saying.

"I want a Pill room and a forge plus the necessary tools to make pills and weapon. As compensation, I am willing to pass to your Alchemist three pill formula. One being a Tiger Blood Pill capable of rousing the body's potential so that it can absorb more Qi. The second is an Aqua Blessing Pill, to purify ones Qi and strengthen their cultivation. Lastly, a healing cream."

Sherry listened to his demands but was more concerned about the compensation Lucifer brought out. She hasn't even remotely heard of any pills or medicine capable of what he was saying. Probably, only Natural oddities which are materials naturally formed are able to produce similar results.

Naturally, she was interested in the prospect of such an offer but she also wondered whether or not she could handle the consequences.

Lucifer saw her doubts and then said. "Alright, how about this?"

Sherry was shaken out of her mind when Lucifer spoke and she listened once more.

"Let's make 20 Tiger Blood Pill and Aqua Blessing Pill then sell them at an auction to let the public know of their existences. This way, your business will soar and should any powers come to pester will sell the formula. But of course, the formula itself will be a bit different so that your own products would be exceptional compared to others."

Furrowing her brows, Sherry was inclined to agree with such a profitable business but the risk made her uncertain whether this was right or not.

"Wouldn't the Alchemist of those powers be able to discern the changes?"

Lucifer expected this question and reassured her. "Don't worry, this pill would be the first in the world, they wouldn't be able to discern anything as their effects would be the same with the only difference is the quality of the energy absorbed and purified."

It took Sherry a while to decide but Lucifer wasn't in a rush, thus he waited.

"Alright, I agree but I want at least sixty percent of the profit." She had a determined look.

Lucifer was a bit stunned but he laughed. "Even if you wanted seventy percent it'd be fine for me."

Sherry's smile brightened and said. "You said that yourself, I'll have your pill room and forge ready by the next few days."

"Alright, I'll write down the formula for your alchemist. I hope they're trustworthy." He said.

Sherry got up and went to arrange the workers to start working on the pill room and the forge when he heard what Lucifer said and she replied.

"Don't worry, they've been working for our family for decades and their family is in the clan as well."

"Good." As Lucifer said this he suddenly perked up and turned towards the courtyard.

Outside, Zen and Aya were still in the middle of training when a group of kids walked in on them. Zen recognized the leader of this group and it was the one who frequently bullied him, Adam. The Clan wasn't against their fellow members fighting with one another as long as they weren't mortally injured, they saw it as a way to shape the attitude of their members by being competitive with one another.

The courtyard at which they were training wasn't that private, it was accessible to other members of the clan and that's why Adam and his group were able to intrude.

Zen stood in front of Aya as he glared at Adam and the six other kids, he wasn't really afraid of Adam now that he has been trained by Lucifer. He knows that he can beat most of them with just half the effort but Zen wasn't confident of beating on them. It was a kid that resembled Adam and appeared to be older than them so he had an inkling that he may be Adam's older brother.

"Oh? Who's the pretty girl, Zen?" Adam purposely mentioned Aya.

"None of your business." Zen coldly said.

"Heh, if you have time to flirt around I suggest you turn it to training instead. You would bring shame to the clan if you can't even reach the 1st stage of the Body tempering realm."

It was evident that no one else has known that Zen had already broken through the 1st stage and is now in the second stage. Zen certainly had no reason to show off but to pay off the times he was bullied by Adam, he would gladly reveal to the clan what kind of 'trash' he was.

Zen smirked deep inside and feigned anger as he said. "Oh yeah? Why don't you show me how strong you are now?"

Adam contemptuously looked at him and replied. "No way, I don't want to waste my time on trash like you."

After saying this, he and the other kids he was with all laughed loudly. But hearing what Zen said next made them all shut up and have a belly full of anger.

"Coward." Zen mocked

"What did you say!? I'll kill you for that!" Adam couldn't take being mocked by someone he deemed as trash and he rushed towards Zen with his fist filled with power. It was obvious that he was using Fist art.

Seeing Adam rush at him, Zen only had a disappointed look on his face as he thought.

"How slow."

Zen side-stepped away from Adam's attack path, twisting his body and delivering a kick to Adam's chest.


Adam didn't expect that Zen would be able to dodge his attack and counter with his own. More importantly, he was blown out of his mind with the impact hit him. It was like he was hit a hammer to the chest.

Zen's kick blew Adam back a couple of meters and he did a couple of rolls on the ground along the way.

Such a scene was definitely not what the other kids were expecting to see and they were angered that their leader was beaten.

"You'll pay for that, Zen. Don't you know Adam was just accepted by the 3rd Elder as his disciple?"

"You don't even amount to a hair of him with your talent alone, attack!"

One of them sneered followed by another before they all attacked. It was a common mindset with kids who foolishly believed in strength in numbers. They knew that even if they did beat up Zen, none of the elders would interfere as it was the way their clan is handled. If one cannot defend himself inside the clan then how will he survive outside?

Zen saw the other five kids charge at him and revealed an ecstatic look, these were kids who frequently bullied him along with Adam, now it was time to pay them back.

As the five kids get near, Zen disappeared from where he stood and appeared behind one of the kids and punched out.

The kid wasn't even able to react as Zen's fist sent him hurtling towards another kid. Zen didn't dally and fought with the other three kids. Fist and Kicks flew and bodies followed.

Six kids versus one and the results were all six lied on the ground with bruises.

" the hell did he get so strong?" One of them groaned.

No one answered but the last remaining guy harrumphed. "Useless, can't even clean up the trash."

This was the guy Zen was wary of the whole time, he felt that he could match him but winning against him was gonna be hard.

Zen's entire body tensed up and his energy was riled, he was prepared to release his Soul Armament but suddenly someone darted pass him from behind.

The older guy was surprised and quickly raised his hands. He managed to guard against the attack but he was forced back a bit. It was then that he and Zen saw who it was.

It was Aya.

She charged in with full speed and attacked with a kick, she was feeling irritated with how things went and now she couldn't hold herself back.

"You want to get to him? You're going to have to beat me first!" She declared.

Zen saw this and warily smiled.

"Domineering as ever, this girl..."