X Fate III

While Elijah was passing through great changes on his body and soul. He had unconsciously entered the dream world once again at the moment that Chloe died and he was rejuvenated by the flame of life.

After a few days on the tribe preparing, Elijah bid farewell to the leader of the tribe who had taken care of him in those few days before he traveled to Copper Town.

Reaching Copper Town, Elijah waked through what was left over the streets looking at the collapsed buildings until he stopped at the place it used to be his family's library.

Searching in the rubble for almost three hours, Elijah finally saw what he was looking for, a small box containing an old book that looked like a diary.

"So this is the book."

This was the book his mother told him about twenty years ago. This book was written by one of his ancestors who tried to make his own cultivation path, but this ancestor died by the age of 27 before he could finish what he started.

He kept the book in his backpack together with a few other books and a hundred gold coins I found while searching the town. At the same time, he searched for the body of his parents, but he did not find anything.

Elijah made a pot of soup with the vegetables which were left on the town when it was destroyed and took a bath on the lake.

Sitting a his tent in the middle of the night, Elijah took the book he had taken from his family's library.

Opening the book, he realized that it was with the last few chapters missing, but he still decided to read from the beginning.

"For many years, I had researched the three cultivation methods, Mortal, Spirit and Divine Path, and recently I believe I have found the answer.

Mortal, Spirit and Divine are the same, but different. According to my research, each path of cultivation is focused on one attribute, with the mortal path, the body evolves and condense to type of energy that gives the power of regeneration and physical strength and it is because of this the Mortal Magicians need to use staffs if they want to cast spells.

The Spirit Path, different from the Mortal Path, has emphasis on the spirit and soul. Giving high capacity of perception, comprehension and the ability to connect with magical beasts.

As for the Divine Path, this one was the most complex as it has different types like the Devil Path that is the same as the Divine Path, but serving a Devil God or being a specter that has forsaken their Patron God.

From the Three Paths, I noticed that the Divine Path is the one with the strongest restrictions. Maybe because the Gods have fear of being betrayed by their servants and made several restrictions, but with the elemental energy, they can communicate with the heaven and earth to replenish their strengths and cast spell without having an staff.

All these Paths are great, but then I thought those three paths that has nine realms each and when someone reaches the peak of one of those they can become a Celestial being. What would happen if I tried to merge the three paths into one and reach the peak of this path. With each of the nine realms having three stages one for strengthening the body like the mortal path, one for purifying the spirit like the spirit path and one to refine the energy born from the heaven and earth like the Divine Path without having to serve a God or Devil. Until now I have envisioned the first three realms, but if my line of thought is right, my path will be a path of supreme might. "

Reaching the end of the first part, Elijah felt absorbed by what he a just read and he though, ' If I could cultivate on this path, what level I could reach?'

Jumping the pages that were ripped and went straight to the end of the diary.

"My God, what did I do? I reached the early stages of the fourth realm and formed the Mortal, Spirit and Divine Body. Even through I used the weakest ones I could find, I can fell my body breaking and falling to pieces. I though with the path I created I could do this but I realized that the body of an mortal can't handle the power of three cultivation paths at the same time. By my calculations, I have about eight months before my body breaks down and I die, I hope I can find the solution before that time, but if someone who is not me is reading, this it means I was not able to escape my fate and died. Young one, If you are reading this until now it means you already know the risks of my creation but I hope someone can find someone who could finish what I started. In this Diary I have registered the four realms I created and how to reach them. I also made a seal that only the ones from my family clan are able to read this. If you want to tread the same path as me, I wish you luck and that you can find the solution I was not able to find. "