XIV Ancestral Spirit Cosmic Realm

Blue light rushed out in a massive amount his moment touched Richard's head gathering in a luminous life form.

"I knew it!" Elijah spoke full of satisfaction as his guess had been right all this time. The blue light he felt before was really inside the president of the company. Yawen on the other side crossed her arms and shot a cold look towards the bright form in front of them, "I think you should start speaking right now about what you did."

The luminous light form had horror plastered on his face, "How you are so powerful? A mortal should not have this power!"

Hearing his words, Yawen stepped forward raising her hand and shooting a powerful and clad-in-diamond slap on the luminous face who was shot towards the wall, groaning in pain.

Elijah stopped next to the luminous figure who was on the floor. "Stop this nonsense and tell me who are you!"