I Myriad Shapes Smartphone

In the end Elijah found the cheapest inn in the area and bough two rooms. His and Yalli's rooms were right next to each other so they organize their belongings first. Because most of the people here only ate Euva, Elijah had a bit of a hard time finding something to eat.

"There is really nothing good in this place, the food is really horrible. And I can't even use magic.'" Elijah laments could be heard from his room, however he was speaking in english so no one would know what he saying. Then like a flash of light illuminated his mind, he suddenly got up with intense inspiration in his eyes.

"Wait, what can't I use the same principle as the time shadow?" With the supreme origin of time fully integrated with him, he just had to think what he wanted to do. In his memories, he locked his mind on a huge bottle of celestial wine he had back than and extended his hand when a thin tear open in space and the same bottle of wine fell on his hand.