IV Surprise Before the Tournament

Right in the morning, Elijah and Yalli had their breakfast before heading to the city stadium on the back of the palace. The entire city seemed more crowded than ever as they were stuck in a mass of people heading to the same place.Even more when they all had different sizes, colors and bodies. 

"This is annoying, Yalli come closer." Tired of walking stuck to so many people Elijah pulled the surprised Yalli closer while the air around him slowly changed. 

Whoosh! With each step he took it like he was in a completely different dimension. Moving at extreme speeds, he rushed forward and Yalli could only stare with shock to all those people frozen in time. 

"Good, we arrived." Standing right at the gate for the participants, Elijah let go of Yalli's hand and walked to the reception while showing his IA. Yalli quickly catch up and showed hers too while stumbling on the ground which made the receptionist let out a soft laugh before showing the path to them.