XXV Prime King

 Soon, Yawen pulled Elijah the corner of the hall, where a middle-aged man and a young female sat alone in this desolate area of the hall. Yawen headed toward them, and whispered in his ear.

 "That man and female are my nephews, my brother rescued the older one and his mother in one of his adventures, he took him as his son when his mother couldn't resist and died. As for the girl, I only met her today, she was born after I was missing, her name is Yasha. Both of them lived in, their villa in one of the biggest worlds in the abyss. No one knows who her mother is, but she is the first member of the eight royal families of Abyss to have an innate spiritual body. You won't understand, but is nearly impossible for those bearing the bloodline of the abyss, the blood we inherited from the old origin civilization to have a spirit body."