XXIX Refugees

 On the next day, Elijah was preparing to leave when the tree-colored bird and the lion stopped him.

 "Oh, we forgot to tell you to be careful when you advance. Me and my friend spotted a pretty suspicious person heading in the same direction."

 "I remember too! That winged-person, there was really something like this. It was a one, two, three..."

 The lion interrupted his friend, his tone was a little tired. "It happened seven days ago." 

  "Seven days ago..." Elijah pondered. It was probable the cosmic heart has realized his intentions by now and sent some of his forces to interrupt me. 

 "I see. It is time for me to depart." Hanging his hammer on his waist, Elijah stored everything back into his phone and left while leaving a few gifts to the two divine beasts. 

 "Ell, should we make a plan first? It seems we will have a hard battle when we arrive there."

 "I know."
