“She’s not into your...” - Alex

"Really?" I clarify.

"Y- yes. The rainbow is a meaning much deeper than it's colors." She stutters, her smile seemed to be slippery by with each word she allowed to be free of her right lips.

"Boys ya' hear that?" I ask the three fuming men. "She's not into your type."

"Fuck you." Man Two said venomously.

"Nah man. You're not my type either." I reply, quite peppy. I stood up and towered over the idiots. "Not every rumor you hear is even close to the truth. And not every girl is interested in your micro erection. Cool?"

Each grumbled their own profanities, and the waitress just watch me as I headed back to my seat. I made sure to lean in and sniff, checking for the odor of man and indescribable fear. But she just smelled feminine and sweaty.

I sat down in my chair near the exit with careful precision, no eyes traveled to me but a few curious glances of small children and their older siblings.

My nose and ears continued to search the restaurant in small meddlesome intrusions. Alert to any dangers, I let my mind wander as my senses, excluding my eyes, stayed sensitive to any threat.

I remember the good old days, struggling underneath the power of mob bosses and government officials. I can remember every crooked politician or straight forward gang member. The blood slipped on my hands can never be measured in money or ounces. The infinite pool of blood I stuck my greedy fingers in would never wash away, even with my hands looking pure and clean in front of me. Reality could not emphasize my feelings and my 'good old days.'

I guess they weren't the best days but we all have our own quirks.

I remember my blade held by my 5 ye-

I shot up and snatched the hand that was reaching for me. I pulled the muscular arm to me and pushed the body forward, making the person lay across my empty table with their arm pulled over their back.

A growl sounded and I froze; the entire pub froze with me, even the water in the pipes that had been flowing slowly overhead. I looked back at the growling man, his face a mixture of pissed the fuck off and terrified. I was the stronger monster here but the person beneath me wasn't worried. In fact the woman held in a submissive pose underneath me was laughing whole heartedly.

Koko's infectious laugh spread through the pub, unfreezing the customers. The people went on with their lives.

"Aren't you gonna let me up? Man, if I knew this was gonna happen I would have worn my messy clothes," Koko whined, I let go of her thick arm and helped her up from the table.

"What you doin' here bro?" I start.