5 years later and Magic

In the five years since he made his tools, Daedalus continued practising as a blacksmith with his mother. When Daedalus reached four years old Selda sent him to the biggest school in the Dwarven kingdom to learn from some of the best while she also taught him.


After joining the school three years ago Daedalus had quickly become known as a genius amongst geniuses, thus resulting in him being taught by the best teachers in the school.

As it is his third year as a student Daedalus has now been enrolled on the magic course, of course when he learned he would get to learn magic Daedalus was more excited than anyone and as he was constantly seeing fourth years and higher flying around the school grounds, he only got more excited than before.


Two days before the next semester would start Daedalus and his classmates where all called into the school to be tested for their magical aptitudes.

When it was his turn Daedalus began walking into the grand hall, Daedalus could see a great big, foggy looking crystal ball. As Daedalus walked closer the crystal ball seemed to start reacting to something, confused Daedalus looked at the elder who was looking at the crystal ball with his eyes squinted as though trying to understand what is happening, as if he suddenly had an idea what was happening he looked towards Daedalus and said "Go on child, touch the crystal ball so we can see your aptitude."

Daedalus quickly walks forward and cautiously puts his hand against the cold, smooth white. Quickly turning a deep dark blue, more so than the ocean floor the crystal began to creak.

Seeing this Daedalus steps back taking his hand away with a worried look on his face. The elder seeing this appears in front of Daedalus and grabs him before seemingly teleporting away and appearing outside of the room.

Back in the room the crystal stops making a noise for a second.


The crystal shattered sending out a great shockwave, as if it could not contain some sort of energy, destroying all of the furniture in the room.

Looking inside the elders eyes bulged and his face began to pale as his face began to alternate between shock, horror and happiness. Before he can do anything else a huge pressure came over the area and a booming voice filled with caution could be heard "What was that. who!!!!!"

Quickly the elder looks to see an elderly man with a majestic aura, as though an endless ocean. Looking relieved the elder quickly recounts what had just occurred inside the room, causing the person with the majestic aura to have a shocked look on his face. Seeing this Daedalus walks over saying "Sorry I didn't mean to break anything." while looking down at his toes.

The man with the majestic aura quickly looks at him saying "Don't worry child. In fact this is a good thing, as your aptitude for magic is so great that the crystal ball could not fully measure it." taking a quick breath of air he continues "This is the most wonderful news I have heard in years, so I would like to ask."


"Daedalus, would you like to be my disciple."


Daedalus bowed saying "Thank you teacher for this opportunity."

"Okay okay, as you are now my disciple I will see you tomorrow at noon, meet me in the schools gardens." Daedalus' teacher says while grinning from ear to ear happily.

This was the beginning of Daedalus' torture.