A Month Later/Home Base

Daedalus had been gone now for a month or so and had decided that the Demon forest is where he would be training.

The Demon forest is a lower level demon forest so there are less people who actually bother with it. Of course it is only a low level place compared to where the adventurers would prefer to gain experience. The only reason Daedalus came to this demon forest is that because the monsters are lower level in strength they have made techniques for fighting back this resulted in it being an area that is out of bounds for newbie adventurers and higher level adventurers who have the techniques to match them would prefer higher hunting grounds. But Daedalus has strength to run if necessary but enough techniques to fight back he also has the ability, using his gravity seal, to hold himself back. This all together makes this demon forest ideal for him not to mention its surplus resources that he can experiment with to make better items when he goes to a better demon forest.

Daedalus had entered the forest early in the morning and started looking for any monsters to fight, however after hours of searching all he found was an area about three fourths of the way to the center with a cave that had nothing in it. He had decided that this cave and the surroundings would be his territory while he was here.

As he had looked around the area Daedalus had come across a rare type of variant tree that he had never seen before, it was a mix between steel tree a silver and very sturdy wood although quite light compared to ironwood and an Ebony tree. He had decided to call it an Ebony steel tree.

Grabbing his axe, made out of Uru, Daedalus began cutting down a few trees as there were literally thousands. After cutting down ten or so twenty metre trees he carried them all over to the cave. Having reached the cave Daedalus begun debarking the trees and chopping them into pillars as well as planks.

After working for a few more hours on that task it had started to get dark. Daedalus then took a few pillars and planks and started setting up a sturdy wall and door that locked from the inside. Ten minutes later it was finished and looking quite nice as it blended well with the rocks to each side of the entrance.

Daedalus then took the rest of the logs inside and began to place pillars every ten metres inside the cave until he came to a circularish cavern like area with a few small holes in the top that seemed to go outside. After filling most of the holes except about five, Daedalus then set up the rest of the pillars ever five metres from the next.

As he had been doing all this Daedalus had realised that the cave was around one hundred metres in diameter. seeing how large it was he decided that the next day he would split the room into three areas, including a storage area for anything he does not want in his storage ring or that might be to large, a room for him to sleep in also the smallest of the rooms and at the center of the room he would have his craft space and his fire.

With all his plans made Daedalus then took out a few pieces of jerky from his storage ring and a sleeping bag before eating and going to sleep.