3 Months/The Next Stage

Daedalus spent the last few months fighting monsters, hunting, improving his craftsmanship and finally working on his cultivation. His base had seen a number of improvements including an outside area with a sturdy and strong wall surrounding it.


The previous night Daedalus had a great feeling, Gram had once told him that this is what he would feel when he had perfected his foundations, so Daedalus decided he would take the leap to the next stage in the morning.

The next morning Daedalus woke up, got cleaned and then sat in a lotus position. Feeling the energy in his surroundings Daedalus began trying to gather the energy in his veins and send it to his heart were he would store it. After a few test runs Daedalus decided to start, first he began gathering the mana particles from in the air and began circulating the energy through his body then, he started slowly gathering the energy towards his heart. Daedalus felt that when the energy was gathering in his heart that he felt amazing, so gathering more energy Daedalus began filling up his brand new mana pool with even more mana.

After gathering so much mana in his heart for a few hours Daedalus realised that rather than the mana overflowing it was gathering and compressing into a heavier liquid like substance rather than its gaseous form.


Daedalus had proceeded to cultivate for the entire day without food or rest, his mana pool was filled to the point of about five percent which was pretty good for the time being. Waking from his cultivation the next day Daedalus decided that he was going to test his strength preferably against the strongest beast in the forest.

Looking through a book about the forest Daedalus realised that the strongest creature in the forest was a Stage 2 mana pool beast, sadly that was all that was known about the beast as not many people cared enough about such a weak beast to even check it out.

So Daedalus decided that he would fight this beast to test out his strength. the reason he was so confident was both his cultivation being at stage 2 and his body refining being at stage three making him about as strong as ten people of his same level in cultivation.

After preparing by getting cleaned eating some food Daedalus grabbed a small sword he had forged out of Black steel which is four times stronger than normal steel, and began walking towards the center of the forest.

Reaching the center of the demon forest Daedalus began looking around high and low for hours to find even a hint of the beast that he was looking for. However after hours of searching Daedalus only found a bit of depression, so heading back to his base Daedalus began practising his fighting and getting used to his new strength, this however made a lot of noise. So as he was about to reach his base Daedalus heard a low growling noise from behind him. Turning Daedalus saw a young wolf it had black and white fur in a lightning look on each of its sides with dark blue eyes that seemed to penetrate his soul, the shocking thing was that Daedalus could sense it had a cultivation just slightly higher than him in both cultivation and body refining. This was the making of a difficult fight.