The Academy

Daedalus woke up the next day feeling refreshed, and after a bath and eating some food with his father. Daedalus was told by Danel to go over to his study so that they could have an important talk.

Arriving at his father's study Daedalus walked inside. His father and grandfather seemed to be talking about something, however they stopped when they noticed Daedalus walking over. Reaching the two of them Daedalus sat down in a chair across from them and said "So what did we need to talk about?"

Daedalus' father then said "Daedalus, me and your grandfather have been thinking about this for a while now. There is a academy in this kingdom where the elite and the talented are sent to take part in any number of classes. We think that you should go to this academy to learn more about your craftsmanship. Oh right, and we have set up a teleportation array for you to be able to have guidance from Master Gram when you need it."

Daedalus sat there for a minute before saying "Thank you father, I would love to go to this academy. What was its name?"

Danel felt embarrassed for a second before saying "The academy is called Provencial."

Daedalus spent the rest of that day looking for information about the academy. One thing he found out was that the new school year was starting in a few days.


After a few days of waiting and cultivating Daedalus was getting ready to go to the academy. The only problem he was worried about was that his face was already quite well known due to the incident so he would not be able to have a normal academy life.

After he had finished getting ready and dressed up quite nicely he went down to the front lobby of the castle. The butler a kind old man then brought Daedalus to a carriage just by the front door waiting for him. Daedalus quickly thanked the kind butler and got inside the carriage.

Daedalus was thinking about the last few years on the way over and thought that he was quite good with his craftsman ship and that the teachers could not teach him that much. Daedalus however could not continue that thought as they arrived at the academy's front gate, however the people did not dare stop the carriage in its path as it had the insignia of the royalty on its side.

As Daedalus looked out of the carriage towards the ground below he could see a large amount of children about his age looking in awe at the insignia of royalty.

After admiring the view for a while Daedalus had finally arrived at the front of the school. The man introduced himself to Daedalus the moment that he saw him saying "I am the principal of this academy, I am honoured to be able to have you learning in my academy."

Daedalus waved his hand saying "No, no thank you for your hard work in nurturing the next generations, and of course me." the last part being said with a small smile.