Learning and Exploring the Academy

While Daedalus was internally freaking out Dan just sighed and said "Oh, well either way you are immensely talented with runes, I will begin teaching you the language in a second. Do you have any questions?"

Daedalus replied "No I don't have any questions."

"Ok we will be starting then. The runic language is a highly complicated pattern based language, for example a word written in this language can start with one regular looking letter however when a second is added on top of that then it will start changing in shape and size. One of the biggest factors in the runic language is intent because you use that very intent in order to mold the mana and language together, this can also reshape the word you are writing. Any questions?"

Daedalus replied after a moment "No, I don't have any questions."

Dan then said "Okay then why don't you explore the academy or read the books I gave to you."

"Okay I will explore today. As I have never come to this academy before I should learn my way around."

After talking a little bit more about runes Daedalus left the classroom. However Dan was still thinking 'He really is quite talented.'


Daedalus began his exploration of the academy and decided that first he will go to the headmasters office and ask him for a map of the academy.

After walking around for a while Daedalus was quite lost and so walked toward a classroom nearby and knocked on the door. As the door opened and the teacher walked out Daedalus said "So I got lost while looking for the headmasters office could you point me in the right direction?"

The teacher replied "Yeah it is over their up that corridor to the right."

"Thanks." Daedalus replied before continuing to walk away towards the direction he was pointed in, however he was quickly stopped as the teacher asked "So why are you not in class?"

Daedalus turned his head for a second and said "My teacher said I could explore and get used to the academy grounds."


Then Daedalus continued walking once more. After a while he had finally arrived at the headmasters office. Knocking on the door Daedalus could barely hear a quiet "Come in."

Hearing this Daedalus walked in and said "Hello headmaster, I was wondering if I could get a map of the academy to take around with me?"

"Of course just a second while I get one your majesty."

After a few moments of waiting the headmaster came back and handed him a map while saying "Sorry for the wait."

Daedalus replied happily "Oh no problem and thanks, I will be on my way now bye."

The headmaster replied similarly, while Daedalus walked outside and began exploring the academy. The academy had a number of facilities which included many smithing areas and alchemy areas, there were of course many other craft based areas. There were also sport based areas outside of the main building.

On the piece of paper that had the map their was also some information about the academy. It turns out that there are many clubs and activities run by students and teachers, which Daedalus decided he would either join or create one.