
Daedalus continued to cultivate for a while longer and make his foundation a bit tougher before finally getting up and saying "Hey Danforth let's head back to the empire."

Danforth replied simply saying "Okay Daedalus, I will use the formation then."

They then walked over to the castle and entered a room near the throne room. Inside the room was only a few formations as well as some sort of control panel. Danforth walked over to the panel and put in a few coordinates for just outside the capital, he then told Daedalus "Okay we just need to stand on the formation and we should be sent to just outside the capital."

Daedalus and Danforth then walked over to the formation and stepped in. After a second of brightness they were no longer there.


A few seconds later and a bright flash just outside the capital signified their arrival. A few guards came out with their weapons drawn and were about to start questioning the two when they noticed their captain who was usually quite laid back kneeling to the two young men. A second later the captain said "Welcome back your majesty, shall I send word to the emperer and empress?"

Daedalus simply said "No need, why don't you call me a carriage though as I don't want to have to walk the whole way to the castle."

"Yes, your majesty. Men go and find the best carriage you can find and quickly do not keep the crown prince waiting!"


After a short carriage ride Daedalus and Danforth were now in front of the castle about to walk in. However before they could do so Selda came walking around a corner while holding a child in her arms. When she saw them her eyes went wide and she walked quickly over to Daedalus before saying "Daedalus you're finally back and such good timing, here meet your little brother. Oh and who is this little guy?"

Daedalus smiled and took his little brother before hearing the last part and grinning and saying "This is the sword god Danforth!"

After a few seconds of trying to process what her son had just said she gulped and said "Sorry I hope you weren't offended by me a second ago."

Danforth just smiled before saying "It is no big deal, nice to meet you."

They continued to talk do a while as they walked into the castle and up to Danel's study, to inform him of Daedalus' return. A few minutes later and they had finally reached the study walking in Danel was writing in full focus, and occasionally looking at other papers or books nearby. It was only when Daedalus said "Father, I'm home!"

That Danel finally looked up and the he smiled slightly before walking over and hugging Daedalus in a great big father bear hug. Over the next few hours they just sat as a family and talked about all that had happened since he had left, on both sides, before eventually Daedalus' brother Shaun yawned and fell asleep. Everyone smiled at the cuteness before deciding that it was a good a time as any to go to sleep, as they had already finished talking about the last few years.