New Potion

It has been a few days since the alchemist incident and Daedalus had just finished creating a set of the alchemist equipment he would need for a while. He had also made some other high quality equipment for other crafts like a carving knife and a few other small things.

Daedalus was currently in a room to the side of his own setting up all of his crafting based items as well as all of his ingredients and materials. The room itself was about one hundred metres in diameter and was split into sections for each of the main crafts as well as their sub crafts. The materials were place in compartments that Daedalus had built into the ceilings, that through a pulley system he could bring down.

After sorting the materials and preparing the room in general Daedalus was sitting at the alchemy table messing around with making a restoration potion. Of course because he was messing around it should have failed however the usually red potion suddenly started turning purple. Daedalus was shocked but quickly did a few test and found out that the potion was in fact three times stronger than usual restoration potions as well as clearly easier to make.

Daedalus then took this potion and left to his father's study. When Daedalus walked in his father said "Oh Daedalus what do you need?"

Daedalus said simply "I have made a new potion, well more like an upgrade to the restoration potion!"

His father went wide eyed with shock and said "Seriously this is amazing how much better is it?"

Daedalus smirked at his father's shock and said "A grand total of three times better and it is easier to make!"

His father suddenly froze for several seconds before realization seemed to dawn on him that his son had basically done what was deemed impossible. Danel then looked Daedalus dead in the eyes and said in a serious way "Are you serious about that potions ability?"

Daedalus realised at that moment that he may have done something crazy and said nearly as seriously "Yeah, it is three times better than the previous potions."

Danel leaned back and sighed before saying "Heavens Daedalus, if you keep doing these crazy things I will have a heart attack. Good job though because usually the best an alchemist can increase the efficacy of a potion is at best twenty five percent!"

Daedalus just stared in shock before looking at his potion while thinking 'Oh my that is truly quite interesting, and shocking.' he then said "Well I will go and make a few more so that it is a relatively perfected recipe. See you later!"


As Daedalus made his way back to his room he thought 'Maybe I should open a shop to sell what I make, I could get a lot of money that way.' When he finally entered his crafting room again he had decided that over the next few days he would set up a business and have Celeste manage it.