Mana Dense Forest

As Daedalus left the guild he could not stop thinking about the area with a higher mana density. He knew that if he went there he could breakthrough in his body refining, however there was also the risk of running into highly dangerous demonic beasts.

Just as he left the town Daedalus came to a decision, Daedalus would scout the area with his divine sense before going in. By scouting in that fashion Daedalus would be able to escape more easily if he was spotted or be able to spot the danger before it can detect him and escape.


As he was reaching the forest that would lead him towards the high mana density zone Daedalus was suddenly stopped by a small group of adventurers. A man from the group stepped forward and said "Kid, look I don't want to harm you just give us your valuables and get out of here. You will just die if you go any farther in to that forest!"

Daedalus however just smiled and said "Unless you are all A ranked adventurers, I doubt you could stop me from going farther in."

The men behind who seemed to be their leader looked at their leader and said "This kid is asking for it, let us beat some sense in to him!"

The leader just sighed and nodded. The men who saw this took it as a sign that they could beat the kid up.


A short while later Daedalus was walking further into the forest, however behind him was a bunch of wailing and badly injured adventurers. Continuing on Daedalus found himself in front of a small group of small but powerful wolves.

After checking the wolves cultivations Daedalus relaxed a bit, but not much, and attacked the wolf at the front, the alpha. Daedalus knew that the wolves were smart and after beating the alpha in to the ground he said "Ok just take your alpha and be on your way. Otherwise I will kill you all!"

The wolves didn't even whimper as they grabbed their alpha and ran into the woods. Daedalus had not injured it badly of course, but he did knock it out cold.

As Daedalus continued on he didn't deal with as many groups as before, however he did have to deal with a few slightly more powerful demonic beasts. Daedalus continued farther again in to the forest where he found a large clearing. If he had the right information from the guild then this clearing was the beginning of the area with a higher mana density.

Daedalus carefully began spreading his divine sense through the area. As he did this Daedalus began to feel just how dense the mana was, it was also then that he realised that this mana Dense zone was in fact a formation set up by a grandmaster of formations.

Due to the shock that it was a formation however, Daedalus did not notice a slight tremor in the ground. It was only when he heard the roar that Daedalus looked up from his revelry in the exquisite formation, feeling slight fear.