First Teachers

After choosing their courses Daedalus and Andromeda where taken over to a class room. As they entered Daedalus and Andromeda immediately drew the attention of the entire class. The teacher seeing this said "Welcome to my class, I am glad to be your teacher this year. Please take your seats."

Daedalus nodded and headed to a seat near the back window, while Andromeda took the seat directly beside him.

After the class room had filled up with students the teacher began their introduction "Hello my name is Althea and I will be your teacher for alchemy this year."

She then waved her hand, causing a ton of books to appear and fly to each student and continued speaking "For the year all of the information you will need is in this book, however just because it has all the information you need doesn't mean it can teach you everything, so don't forget to come to lesson!"

As she finished speaking a few of the students began mumbling to themselves about not coming in unless it was necessary. This however caused them to earn disdainful looks from the other students. A few scoffed at the looks and started messing around with small items and puzzles. Althea just sighed and began the lesson.


After the first lesson in the college Daedalus was quite pleased as he realised just how much there was left to learn. Heading towards another room Daedalus realised that Andromeda was following him. Turning around Daedalus asked "Why are you following me?"

Andromeda was slightly surprised by his sudden question and said "My father told me to get to know you better. I don't know why I think he is just being mean!"

Daedalus paused at that and thought 'So the old man hasn't given up and... wait was that a blush on her cheek!' as he was in his thoughts he had noticed a slight red colour to her cheeks. He quickly dismissed this thought and said "Okay then, either way we have the same classes so it doesn't matter too much."

Andromeda nodded and they began walking towards the next class once more.


Entering the class room Daedalus and Andromeda where slightly early compared to the others and so chose seats closer to the front. The teacher noticed who they were and came up to introduce himself saying "Hello prince Daedalus, princess Andromeda. My name is Rock I am your biology teacher, it is good to meet you!"

Daedalus responded in kind and said "It is also nice to meet you teacher Rock, I hope we can get along well."

Andromeda simply nodded before leaning against the desk in an unladylike way.

After a few minutes the class was once again full and Rock handed them the books in a similar way to Althea while saying "I hope we all get along well this year and remember I am always hear as someone to talk to!"

By the end of the lesson Rock had become the favourite teacher due simply to his fun way of teaching and his insightful words.