
Daedalus and Andromeda ended up spending the next few hours socialising with bouts of dancing in between. Daedalus and Andromeda where sitting at a small table simply chatting and enjoying each others company.

On the stage the headmaster walked out. After he saw that he had everyone's attention he began speaking "I would like to first of all thank you all for this wonderful year, it has really been a pleasure."

The crowd of students cheered and clapped. The headmaster then waved his hand and continued when everyone quietened down "Now let's move on to the big event of tonight, the slow dance!"

Finished speaking he walked off of the stage into the back. Daedalus turned and smiled at Andromeda before saying "So would you care to dance?"

Andromeda blushed and nodded nervously. Daedalus grabbed her hand, helping her up, and gently pulled her towards the dance floor. Andromeda followed without any resistance to the dance floor.

As they arrived on the dance floor the music became a slower and more melodious. Daedalus smiled as they began to dance. They were going back and forth along the floor.

All of the other students watched the two dancing and could only think 'How beautiful, they are perfect for each other.' The dancing was so beautiful in fact that others who had originally been planning to dance had become entranced by the flowing movements of the two.


After a few minutes of dancing Daedalus' whispered into Andromeda's ears saying "Will you go out with me?"

As he said this he pulled her in close proximity to himself. Andromeda blushed and said in a shy voice "Of course... you should have asked sooner though."

Daedalus smiled a dazzling smile and said "Good. Now you can't say otherwise!"

Andromeda furrowed her brows and looked around. After a second she blushed fiercely as the people around them started whistling and smiling at the two.

Daedalus twirled her around again until she faced him again and said "Why don't we keep dancing a while longer?"

Andromeda nodded and they went back into their own little world. Everyone else also began to dance with their own dates or chatting with their friends nearby.


At around midnight the headmaster came out and gave a speech and explained that the party was over. Daedalus and Andromeda however stayed dancing while everyone else was leaving.

Eventually when there was no one else left in the hall Daedalus said "We should probably go. It is getting late."

Andromeda nodded and Daedalus pulled her towards the door.

As they left the college for the last time until next semester, Daedalus said "Why don't we explore a few kingdoms together during the summer? It will be fun!"

Andromeda smiled and said "Sure let's do it!"

As they arrived back at the castle the Gram was standing there with his eyebrow twitching. The two smiled sheepishly as he began speaking "Do you know what the hour is!? It's three in the morning! Explain yourselves!"

Daedalus smiled at Andromeda before saying to Gram "We were dancing and didn't notice anyone leaving until a little while ago. Also I am dating your daughter!"